G. Peri (2015) "The Economics of International Migrations" World Scientific Studies in International Economics: Volume 49The Economics of International Migration is a collection of the fundamental articles written by Giovanni Peri on the economic determinants and consequences of international migration. These papers have provided the theoretical framework and empirical analysis for a rethinking of the economics of migration, going beyond the Canonical model of labor demand and supply used until the 1990s. Beginning with a simple model that recognizes the differences between immigrants and natives as workers, the articles develop the analysis of complementarity, specialization and productivity effect of immigrants in developed economies. The book then presents a series of papers analyzing and testing the economic motivation for international migration. Finally, the focus is shifted to the effect of immigration policies and their consequences on immigration and the economy.
T. Boeri, E. Patacchini and G. Peri (2015) “Unexplored Aspects of Labor Market Discrimination” Oxford University Press, London UK, 2015. ISBN: 978-0-19-872985-3
Using newly collected and existing data and modern econometric approaches, this book analyses the gender wage gap as well as less explored dimensions of discrimination such as religion, sexual orientation, and physical appearance. Part One focuses on gender. Using a newly collected database for Italy, it analyses the relevance of transition from school to work, and in particular the choice of college major, in determining the gender earning gap. It also analyses the role of family and of discrimination on the job as a potential source of this gap, using additional data from Spain and the US. Part Two analyses different forms of discrimination towards individuals in the labor market. In particular, it examines the potential for discrimination of sexual orientation, religion, and physical appearance and weight. The analysis is conducted by means of a survey of the existing literature and by an empirical analysis, using European data as well as Italian data collected through an experimental design.
Readership: Academics and graduate students of labour economics, gender studies, social sciences, and public policy programs. Policy makers and those with an interest in the labour market and inequality. |
A. Artal-Tur, F. Requena and G. Peri (2014) “The Socio-Economic Impact of Migration flows. Effects on Trade, Remittances, Output, and the Labour Market”, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, June 2014. ISBN: 978-3-319-04077-6
Though globalisation of the world economy is currently a powerful force, people’s international mobility appears to still be very limited. The goal of this book is to improve our knowledge of the true effects of migration flows. It includes contributions by prominent academic researchers analysing the socio-economic impact of migration in a variety of contexts: interconnection of people and trade flows, causes and consequences of capital remittances, understanding the macroeconomic impact of migration and the labour market effects of people’s flows. The latest analytical methodologies are employed in all chapters, while interesting policy guidelines emerge from the investigations. The style of the volume makes it accessible for both non-experts and advanced readers interested in this hot topic of today’s world.